HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!! I've been working on Choose To Be An Asshole all weekend and it's coming along great! I showed it to my buddies at res and they all loved it and laughed their asses off so hopefully you guys will like it too. It's only about 1/3 done though because it's a big game but I'll be working on it all week and update you with how far I am. Keep on sending me Pm's or e-mails, I always respond. Hope you guys are excited thanks for watching my cartoons and playing my games!!
P.S. My buddy Matt Panguelo is an awesome flash coder so I'll be getting some help from him because a few of my games are glitchy cuz i suck at code lol, so hopefully this one wont be buggy at all
Recent Updates
-Hey my apologies everyone I've been working on cartoons recently cuz everyone was demanding for them. I got fed up with 'choose to be an asshole' cuz the files pretty big now and my flash runs really slow when i start working on it. I'm going to be working on Blown Out Of Proportion Episode 3 for the next week but I'll try and open up choose to be an asshole and hopefully it wont be slow. It will be done eventually but until then check out my website, check out my newest cartoons and there are new short games and cartoons coming soon!!!
-My Flash started getting really slow, whenever I would make a keyframe, enter a line of code or draw a line it would take 1-5 minutes to load it
-Don't worry, it'll be done soon though hopefully
Wouldn'r wanna meat him down a light corridor.