Tom Fulp, Creator of Newgrounds in my profile pic with me!
I created the Fuck Mr. Hatcher game featured by Game Grumps.
NG User since 2006!
"Animation so crude, that it belongs in a junkyard!"

Pavel Lubanski @JunkYardAnimations

Age 37, Male


Algonquin College Graduate

Ottawa, Canada

Joined on 11/19/06

Exp Points:
2,188 / 2,500
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5.66 votes
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4y 2m 19d

HAPPY EASTER!!! I've uploaded a new cartoon for you sickos!

Posted by JunkYardAnimations - April 12th, 2009

Hey guys I haven't uploaded anything in months because I've been working on this Easter cartoon, another cartoon which I will upload tonight or tomorrow... a couple games and maybe I've even been working on Blown Out Of Proportion episode 4...... i'm not sure though ;)

Anyways here's the link to my Easter cartoon so please check it out! If you like it send it to your friends, family, peers and random creepers you've added on the net. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/


-Pavel Lubanski

HAPPY EASTER!!! I've uploaded a new cartoon for you sickos!


I loved it.


yeah bring summat out tonight . . . good stuff btw your animations are really improving

thx a lot! :)

nice :D
r u back in making cartoons? :D :D :D

haha i never stopped making a cartoons... i just haven't uploaded anything in a while

That picture is a very accurate portrait of children who wake up in the middle of the night because they remembered the didn't save on pokemon. Personal experience :'c


I was kinda hoping your next submission was another "storytime with mohammed"...

do you know when the next one will be out?

'three little pigs' is written up but i wont start animating it till after blown out of proportion episode 4

It was awesome! a little predictable after viewing a few of your animations but still pretty damn good, your stuff is improving very fast! Keep up the good work! And make more games! front-pages loves them :P

haha thanks buddy

Your Icon has Titties

lol, it grabs peoples attention

You should make a post with every work you're working on and stopped working on. Like the tons of games you started and never finished:P. Just asking =)!

i can only post 1 front page post a week

yeah but u can put it on ur website :D

B.O.O.P got frontpaged

HOLY FUCK BABY!! THATS AWESOME!! I thought it would originally but it didnt and it discouraged me, and now god has been nice to me!!!

Holy shit Pavel! They put Blown Out of Proportion 3 on the front page after all this time! That is fucking awesome! Congratulations man... your masterpiece deserved the recognition of front page!

hahahaha thanks a lot, im so glad its finally up there. this has inspired me to finish episode 4!!!

WTF HOW DID BOP EP3 GOT FEATURED?! haha nice shit man:)

i have no idea, it was the work of God and Pokeroo

If you need help exporting Episode 4, just let me know.
Try not to make it any longer than Episode 3... that beast almost destroyed my computer :P

LOL! Oops sorry man, I think episode 3 will be the longest out of all of them, ideas kept popping into my head especially for the talent show and i couldnt stop adding to it... episode 4 will probably be shorter

Hey Pavel, how come all of a sudden Blown Out Of Proportion Ep. 3 got onto the front page again. Unless it's been on there the whole time, which is unlikely (no offense, its Good but I didn't know it was 3 months front page good!) I just didn't notice it there.

LOL!! no offense taken, it was never front paged until now. i uploaded it 3 months ago and it just got front paged yesterday u sexy slutty piece of shit,. fuck you im cheap

oh it doesn't matter, I was just reading the previous comments and it just got on now, thats odd though, because its been up for 2 or 3 something months and finally gets on front page, you don't see that much. Anyway great job, get ep 4 out soon, and if it doesn't make front page then PM like you did when ep 3 came out, so I know its out.


haha yah, i guess Thomas Fulp didnt watch it until now, i did PM him tho when it was uploaded, and yeah i hope u like episode 4

Next BOOP you should fix your voices volumes, some of them were too high or too low on the 3rd episode. And maybe fix your mic so it always sound neat. I don't know if you use only one but It seems like you use two microphones and one is pretty good and the other one is kinda cheap. Maybe its me :P But yea, the only con on BOOP3 was the sounds and voices, exept that everything is pretty good

my friend recorded some of the voices at his own home, and some of the voices suck cause i had to dim down the sound quality cause the fla was way too big

pavel i thought u relesed attckofthegiantpenis'2 but it was a fucking shit version .... <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/492213">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /492213</a>

WTF! That guy ripped me off, he made a game with the exact same title as me... aw well mine is way more popular and better haha

haha he got my comment removed coz i said haow it was a shitty rip off and that it was crap